Atlantic Money

Understanding Portal references

What is a Portal reference?

A Portal reference is a unique identifier assigned to each Portal created for a specific recipient. This reference is a helpful tool to ensure your funds are sent to the correct recipient.

Finding your Portal reference

To find the Portal reference for a recipient, simply follow these steps:

1. Select the recipient you want to send funds to.

2. Scroll down their page until you reach the 'Portals' section.

3. Tap the 'Show More' button to view the expanded Portal details.

Why use a Portal reference?

While it's not mandatory, using the Portal reference when making a transfer can come in handy! Here are a few benefits to consider:

- Accurate identification: Including the reference helps us accurately identify the intended recipient, which in turn minimizes the chances of errors or delays.

- Easier tracking: Having a reference makes it much simpler to keep an eye on your transfer's progress.

- Great for record-keeping: If you often send money to the same person, using the Portal reference can make keeping track of your financial records a lot easier.

How to use a Portal Reference

When you're transferring funds from your local bank account, you can include the Portal reference in the payment details. You can usually find a field labeled “reference” in the transfer screen.

In a nutshell, while adding Portal references is optional, we recommend including them in your transfers. They can help you keep track of your payments and avoid accidentally sending funds to the wrong recipient.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team via chat or email at

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