We're sorry to hear you may not be happy – please reach out to us using the in-app chat or support@atlantic.money, so our team can assist.
What happens after I've complained?
We will always handle your complaint promptly, politely and fairly. Every effort will be made to understand and resolve your concern as quickly as possible.
On receipt of your complaint, Atlantic Money will:
acknowledge your complaint within 3 business days;
conduct a thorough investigation, reviewing your concerns against our systems, records, and policies; and
provide a final response within 15 business days.
In exceptional circumstances, we may not be able to issue a final response within 15 business days. In such cases, we will issue a holding response to you explaining the reasons for the delay and what we are doing to progress your complaint.
What happens if I remain dissatisfied?
If you remain dissatisfied after we have provided you with a final response, you may refer your complaint to The Financial Ombudsman Service (if you so wish):
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Telephone: 0800 023 4567
Post: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
You must refer your complaint within 6 months of the date of Atlantic Money’s final response.
More information can be found here: FOS Consumer Leaflet
If you remain dissatisfied after we have provided you with a final response, you may take contact with the Belgian Ombudsman for Financial Services (if you so wish):
E-mail: ombudsman@ombudsfin.be
Telephone: 02/545.77.70
Post: Ombudsfin, North Gate II, Koning Albert II-laan 8 box 2, 1000 Brussels
You must refer your complaint within 12 months of the date of Atlantic Money’s final response.
Other information regarding complaints can be found in Article 22 of our agreement with you.
More information can be found here.